Read the dimensions of a PNG image

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The following code can be used to read the width and height of a PNG image (in Buffer form) in TypeScript.

// The first eight bytes of a PNG file always contain the following (decimal) values:
// 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10
// Source:
const pngSignature = new Buffer([137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]).toString(
const ihdrChunkHeader = "IHDR";
// See
const cgbiChunkHeader = "CgBI";
const cgbiChunkLen = 16;
const Result = {
PNG: null,
function parsePng(buffer: Buffer) {
// Bytes 1-8 must contain the PNG signature
if (buffer.toString("ascii", 0, 8) !== pngSignature) return Result.NOT_PNG;
// After the signature, PNG files contain N chunks. The first 4 bytes of
// each chunk contain the chunk length.
const firstChunkHeader = buffer.toString("ascii", 12, 16);
if (firstChunkHeader === cgbiChunkHeader) {
// If Apple's CgBI chunk is present, then the IHDR chunk must be the second
// chunk.
const secondChunkHeader = buffer.toString(
12 + cgbiChunkLen,
16 + cgbiChunkLen
if (secondChunkHeader !== ihdrChunkHeader) return Result.NOT_PNG;
if (firstChunkHeader !== ihdrChunkHeader) return Result.NOT_PNG;
return Result.PNG;
export function pngDimensions(buffer: Buffer) {
const result = parsePng(buffer);
if (result === Result.NOT_PNG) throw new Error("Buffer is not a PNG file");
// If the CgBI chunk is present, then the IHDR chunk comes 16 bytes later
const offset = result === Result.CONTAINS_CGBI_CHUNK ? cgbiChunkLen : 0;
return {
// The first 8 bytes of the IHDR chunk are the width and height of
// the image (4 bytes for each).
width: buffer.readUInt32BE(16 + offset),
height: buffer.readUInt32BE(20 + offset),