Exhaustive Switch in TypeScript

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Enforce exhaustive

Use enforceExhaustive to enforce exhaustive matching at compile-time and run-time.

* Use to enforce exhaustive matching at compile-time and run-time.
* ```tsx
* switch (value) {
* case A:
* return "a";
* case B:
* return "b";
* default:
* enforceExhaustive(value);
* }
* ```
* If there are cases to be matched, the type of `value` will not
* be assignable to `never` and a type error will be emitted.
export function enforceExhaustive(value: never, message = "Unexpected value"): never {
throw new Error(`${message} '${value}'`);

Check exhaustive

Use checkExhaustive to enforce exhaustive matching at compile-time, but not at run-time. This can be useful if matching an enum from a network request.

* Use to enforce exhaustive matching at compile-time, but allow
* unexpected values at run-time.
* ```tsx
* switch (value) {
* case A:
* return "a";
* case B:
* return "b";
* default: {
* enforceExhaustive(value);
* return "default";
* }
* }
* ```
* If there are cases to be matched, the type of `value` will not
* be assignable to `never` and a type error will be emitted.
export function checkExhaustive(value: never): void {}